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Account Types

Setting up your Roomth account
Not all accounts are created equal. First, let’s decide which account type suits your needs!

Team Leader #

Team Leader accounts are equipped with full Administrator privileges, giving you complete control to modify and manage all aspects of your virtual office. As a Team Leader, you are responsible for setting up the Team, creating Virtual Office floors, and registering other users as Team Members or inviting them as Floor Guests. If your goal is to create floors, manage Team details, time tracking, or control floor access, then the Team Leader account is the ideal choice for you.

Team Member #

Team Member accounts are designed for users who need full access to Roomth’s features but must first be invited by a Team Leader. Once part of the team, members gain access to all team floors, including those that are private. Additionally, Team Leaders can grant administrative privileges to Team Members as necessary.

If you’re interested in joining an existing Team on Roomth, please reach out to the Team Leader and request an invitation. After receiving the invitation link, you have the option to either create a new Team Member account or register your existing account as a Team Member.
[Link to member registration walkthrough]

Guest account #

When you sign up with Roomth, you automatically start with a Guest account. After registration, you can opt to upgrade to a “Team Leader” account, which allows you to set up your Company or Business’s virtual HQ. However, if you’re invited and choose to join a Team, your account type will automatically change to “Team Member,” and you’ll lose the ability to create your own Team.

Guests have the flexibility to be invited to specific floors from various Teams, even if those floors are private. With access to all of Roomth’s fundamental features, a Guest account might be just right for those frequently working across different Teams without requiring advanced features like Time Tracking.

When inviting a Guest, you can tailor their permissions according to your needs. If you wish to join a Team’s floor as a Guest, please wait for an invitation email. From there, you can either complete your registration as a Guest or use your pre-existing account to access the floor via the provided link.
(Link to Guest registration walkthrough)

One-Time Guest #

No sign-up is required for One-time Guests. They can be invited to a specific Guest Lounge and will receive an email containing an invitation link, alongside the Lounge’s scheduled time and date. If an entry password has been set, this will also be included in the email. Please note that these guests can only access the Lounge they were invited to and will not be able to see other users on the floor. When clicking on the provided link, guests will be prompted to set a username before entering the Guest Lounge at the scheduled time. So go ahead, schedule your Guest Lounge, and invite your one-time guests via email, allowing them to effortlessly join your pre-scheduled Guest Lounge on your virtual office floor without the need for an account.