Once you’ve finished your registration as a Team Leader, you will be taken to your Dashboard.
Let’s go over your exclusive Administrative Features.
Floor Management: #
My Floors Overview: #
A list of all the floors you have created.
Want a new floor? Simply tap the “Create Floor” button.
(link to how to create a floor article)
Joined Floors Overview: #
A list of all the floors you can access.
As a Team Leader, you have automatic access to all floors that you or an admin team member have created.
You can also access another Team’s floors as a guest if invited.
Hit the three-dot icon (top-right of each floor tile) for options:
-Enter the floor
-Edit floor details*
-Duplicate floor*
-View floor details
-View recordings*
-Grab the invite link to share*
-Delete floor*
* These options require admin privileges. To grant admin privileges to a Team member, please check this article (link)
Shift Management and time-tracking : #
Check-in Desk: #
Use the Check-in Desk to track the whole Team’s working hours or stay up to date with shifts and schedules.
Tap “Check-in” when you start working, “Break” when you need it, “End Break” to jump back into action, and “Check-out” to sign off. On the left, you can check on the whole Team’s status and today’s shift details.
Do you have an assigned Shift manager or do you need Team members to be able to edit their own shifts and tracked time?
Here you can tailor each Team member’s permissions for the Check-in Desk.
Shifts are connected to the Team, not a floor, so you can travel between floors freely and your time will still be accurately tracked. Just don’t forget to tap “Check-out” at the end of the day, before you sign out!
To Download a PDF report, click the “Download Report” button and select a time period for your report.
(click here for a detailed check-in desk article)
Employee Management: #
User Profile and Team information : #
After signing in to your Dashboard, select the “profile” option on your lefthand sidebar menu.
Here you can preview and edit your user profile: name, email, password, Profile picture, and account type.
Your profile and Team information can also be accessed, at any time, by clicking your icon on the top right of your screen.
Team Leaders, as well as Team Members with Admin privileges, can also dive into the “Team Information” tab to see the Team’s official details like name, logo, and a list of Team members. This is your hub to oversee and control employee data and roles.
Adding & Modifying Employees:
To onboard a new member, click “Edit”, and provide their name and email. Decide if they should have admin rights, and always remember to click “Add to Company”. They’ll get an invite in their inbox.
Setting Privileges:
To adjust an employee’s access rights, pinpoint them on the list and modify via the dropdown menu. Changes aren’t saved until you hit “Update”, so make sure to confirm your edits.
Reflect your company’s identity by updating its name and logo. This gives your virtual space a touch of authenticity and branding.
Note: As an Admin, you are the backbone of your Team’s virtual presence, your role is crucial. Use these tools wisely, keep iterating, and ensure a seamless virtual work environment for all with Roomth.net!